BCM302: Peer Review

Peer Review 1: Miki

Miki’s project is a podcast that talks about the “old technology” like the cameras and cassette player. She aims to show people the importance of these old technologies and find out why these technologies still exist in the modern age.

The methodology mentioned by Miki in the project pitch is that she will research articles, news and conduct interviews, I think this is a very good way to investigate her topic. However, I recommend that she should start collecting these old technologies and introduce those to the modern age people who aren’t aware of these technologies and tell them the importance of it.

Miki choose aged 20-40 years old to be her target audience, however, I think the target audience is quite broad as they think and the mindset of 20 years old and 40 years old is quite different. Also, most people who are aged above 35 should be aware of these technologies as they have seen these technologies during their childhood. Therefore, I recommend Miki change her target audience to a smaller group of people aged 20 to 30.

Overall, Mikil’s project is quite interesting as people can learn more about the old technologies which we have never seen before. I am also looking to her podcasts so that I can learn about the old technologies.

Blog | Is Outdated Technology Costing Your Business Money?
Photo by California Computer Services

Peer Review 2: Mahanur

Maha’s topic for the digital artifact is about the beauty standards that are shown on social media. I liked her topic because it is quite relatable to the young girls in today’s generation, who are having depression or mental issues because of the unethical beauty standard set by the influencers on social media. I believe her topic is quite relevant and should be addressed to help those girls.

Maha has explained very well what she intended to investigate in the Digital Artifact and has mentioned the aim of her project which is to raise awareness and help to improve the self-esteem of the young girls who are facing mental health issues because of the unethical beauty standards.

She mentioned that she will be using academic articles to see how social media has changed views on Instagram and study the reactions of girls on tik tok and Instagram for her methodology. Although her methodology is good enough, I suggest she study why the influencers set up these beauty standards, because I feel like it’s the followers who are the base of the influencers to set up these beauty standards. She should start looking at why people allow these influencers to make the beauty standards. Moving on to her target audience, she said that she will target the young girls which I feel is quite good as these young girls are the reason for the influencer’s fame. I suggest if she could set up an Instagram account where she can talk about the problems faced by the young girls and tell them to follow and give likes very carefully as their 1 like can have a very big effect.

Overall, I think Maha’s pitch video is well organized, and easy to understand on what are her further plans with her project.


To conclude, both Miki’s and Maha’s project pitch is well orgainesed and the topics are also quite interesting. I am looking forward to their investigation.

Published by Aqib Ali

Bachelors in Communication and Media

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